GR B, X42, X46, X56, X60, X65, X70 ERW HFI EFW staalpyp

ERW HFI EFW staalpyp

ERW: gelaste pyp met elektriese weerstand
HFI: Hoëfrekwensie-induksielaspyp
EFW: Elektriese fusie-gelaste pyp
Standaard: API 5L, API 5CT, ASTM 53, EN10217, DIN 2458. IS 3589, JIS G3452, BS1387
Sertifikaat: API 5L PSL1 / PSL2, API 5CT
Buitendiameter: 21,3 mm - 610 mm
Wanddikte: 1,8 - 22 mm
Lengte: 0,3 - 12m
Staalgraad: API 5L: GR B, X42, X46, X56, X60, X65, X70
EN: S275, S275JR, S355JRH, S355J2H
GB: Q195, Q215, Q235, Q345, L175, L210, L245, L320, L360- L555

Oppervlak: Fusieverbinding Epoxy coating, Steenkool Epoxy, 3PE, Vanish Coating, Bitumen Coating, Black Oil coating volgens die eis van die klant

Toets: Analise van chemiese komponente, meganiese eienskappe (uiteindelike treksterkte, opbrengsterkte, rek), tegniese eienskappe (afplattingstoets, buigtoets, blaastoets, impaktoets), inspeksie van buitegrootte, hidrostatiese toets, röntgentoets.
Meulstoetsertifikaat: EN 10204 / 3.1B

Gebruik: Word gebruik vir aflewering van vloeistof onder lae druk, soos water, gas en olie. Olieboor en vervaardiging van masjinerie, ens.



EFW pipe vs ERW pipe
Electric Fusion Welding (EFW steel pipe) refers to an electron beam welding, the use of high-speed movement of the electron beam directed impact kinetic energy is converted to heat the workpiece so that the workpiece leaving the melt, the formation of the weld.
It is mainly used for welding dissimilar steel welding sheet or which high power density, metal weldment can rapidly heated to high temperatures, which can melt any refractory metals and alloys. Deep penetration welding fast, heat-affected zone is extremely small, so small performance impact on the joints, the joint almost no distortion. But it has a requirement on a special welding room because welding using X-rays.

Electric Resistance Welding (ERW steel pipe): welding member combination is applying pressure through the electrodes, the use of current through the joint area of ​​the contact surface and the adjacent heat generating resistance welding process method, Also known as contact welding. It has excellent toughness and dynamic load strength, welding deformation.
Commonly used spot welding, seam welding and butt three.


ERW pipe manufacturing process includes HFW. ERW have low, medium, high frequency welding processes, and HFW is specially for high-frequency electric resistance welding. The differences between ERW and HFW steel pipe, is EFW is a type of ERW process for ordinary and thin-wall thickness steel pipes.ERW pipe: Electric Resistance Welded Pipe
HFW pipe: High Frequency Welding pipe